I recently read a case review and watched some videos about the culture at Bridgewater. In one of the videos Ray Dalio was telling an employee that he was unreliable. My initial reaction to the video was terror, anxiety, and fear. I was not the one getting the negative feedback, but I still felt the negative emotions. One of Ray Dalio‘s philosophies is to always look for and tell the truth. While I have mixed feeling about the culture he created, and do not agree with his style, I did wonder if this culture can help build resilience. That horrible feeling I had, was just that, a feeling. If I learn to conquer it, would that expand my mind and my opportunities? Would that lessen the limitations I sometime impose due to fear of failure or humiliation? Is the culture he created toxic? Can it promote psychological safety by knowing always where you stand, rather than having to guess what others think about you, or being constantly worried what others say about you behind your back? Would always telling the truth and providing continuous feedback in a more empathetic approach help us conquer our emotions and create psychological safety?
Dare to Hear the Truth?
Updated: May 7, 2021
Yara-I have found myself thinking about Dalio's style all week as well. In theory it does seem ideal, existing in a state where truth is expected and received in its truest form with no defensiveness or self-doubt. However, at what expense? I think if the Bridgewater case had shown that the feedback loop was a full circle, that Dalio received feedback, positive and negative, as opposed to just delivering it, I would have more faith in the model. The one sidedness displayed through the case did not present an environment of psychological safety, but I do think that truth will lead to us all being more effective teammates and leaders. I really enjoyed your questions and reflection, I kno…