After completing my training, I found myself burned out and thinking about leaving medicine. However, thankfully, I found coaching which has transformed my life. I learned to prioritize self-care and my family. I learned to let go of perfectionism and I learned to say no. I have been very happy with my transformation and thought that others not only would be happy for my transformation but will want to emulate it. To my surprise, my transformation has been met with resistance and dismay. I wonder if I should have taken the same 8 steps, we learned about to transforming organizations and applied that to transforming individuals in how I explain my own transformation. Should I have highlighted a sense of urgency as to why this change was crucial for me? Should I create a clear vision for why this change is actually helpful to others around me? In all honesty, I do not believe I need to explain myself, but I do wonder, when we change, do we owe an explanation to those around us?
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