Last week, I was on a much-needed family vacation. One morning as my family and I made our way to the beach, we saw a beautiful sandcastle with amazing details. Growing up, we used to take a 2-week beach vacation once a year. Building a sandcastle has been a dream, but I have always thought “I am not an artist” and “I just can’t build a sandcastle”. I repeated this thought over and over for many years that I believed it was a fact. Except this time, I knew better. I now know to question all of my thoughts and ask, “is this true? Or is this another simple story my mind created?” And so, I started building my sandcastle. It did not need to be elaborate; it did not need to be perfect in any way. I just wanted a simple castle, and I did. I had such joy building it and I had such pride, not only for building it, but for learning to question all of my limiting beliefs, the big and the small.