We were just on vacation and I had to leave my son and husband at the pool and go up for a 2.5 hour class I am taking. I asked my husband to come up in 1.5 hours and to wash their swimming suits when they come, shower and get dressed because we had dinner plans right after my class. Before we left for dinner, I saw that the swimming suits were unwashed in the tub. However, my predominant thoughts were that of appreciation that my husband looked after our son during my class (he is three and missed his nap, so he was acting up a bit). I had such love for my husband and had such a great dinner. When we came back at night, I was so tired. I saw the unwashed swimming suits again and became very angry. Why? Because my thoughts shifted to ugh, why did not he wash them, he does not care, he does not appreciate what I do (that one was a stretch) ect ect. it spiraled quickly. I made up so many stories. I had to take a step back and analyze my thoughts and remind myself that the swimming suits were unwashed when I was happily having dinner out. My husbands is the same man I just had such loving thoughts for. It was not the unwashed swimming suits that made me mad, it was my thoughts. These angry thoughts were not serving me. This awareness quickly helped me shift my thoughts back and the whole drama lasted a few minutes and it was only in my mind. The old me (with an unmanaged mind) would have picked a fight about the swimming suits (still washed them), but also ruin a beautiful night. I manage my mind because my negative thoughts used to rob me from my joy and I refuse to let that keep happening to me. Awareness is key. Always ask yourself, is this thought true? Our brains are sneaky my friends!